
Grassroots | Expand Your Stakeholder Network

Grassroots outreach establishes relationships with stakeholder organizations and their members.

MediaForce is proficient in setting up strategic media and partner relationships to disseminate messaging in targeted markets for non-proft and government campaigns. MediaForce secures in-kind PSA placement opportunities on stakeholder websites, electronic newsletters, and publications utilizing our database of several thousand media, health, and educational organizations.

Outreach establishes relationships with stakeholder organizations for Web banner and social media placements with a link to the client’s website, online video, or a designated campaign landing page. MediaForce works with you to create a list of organizations to target in an effort to add them to your strategic stakeholder network.

Grassroots Marketing Service Package Includes:

  • Prepare contact lists (for client approval) and develop email advisories and scripts for outreach.
  • Invite partners to post a client promotional banner on their respective websites, e-newsletters, blogs, and social media sites directing their visitors back to the client’s web page or video series.
  • Conduct outreach and build a database of stakeholder participants.
  • Create tagged links for use in tracking click-through traffic via Google Analytics.
  • Experienced marketing team ensures results.
  • Final report with organization name, stakeholder website images, and website links.