PSN Concerts | Live Event Media Placement

PSN Concerts places your PSA message at live entertainment events and clubs and on a network of concert and live event ticketing sites.

PSN Concerts reaches consumers who are exploring or attending live entertainment events, in ways that capture their attention and encourage a response, such as:

  • While searching online for live entertainment options
  • During the online purchase of live entertainment tickets
  • On location at live entertainment venues and clubs
  • Through promotions related to live entertainment events


PSN Concerts campaigns will run over the digital network until specific reach and frequency is delivered. PSA campaigns may also be customized to deliver target audiences through association with specific live entertainment venues, artists, and/or tours.


  • Mobile and social media
  • Artist endorsement
  • On-site promotions
  • Digital/online
  • Venue based video displays
  • Print/collateral materials


  • Location
  • Entertainment type
  • Musical genre
  • Age group
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity and/or language